Hoeffner Farms

Hoeffner Farms

100 years in Montgomery. Wholesale and retail - NYC and on the farm. Easter flowers, vegetable and flower plants, hanging baskets, poinsettias, cut Christmas trees and wreaths (April-Dec), Farm fresh produce (July-Dec), Farm fresh brown eggs (year-round).

  • Farm
  • image with 6 squares of images of sunflower, tomatoes, flowers, green veggies and plants with logo in middle white font
  • image of farm stand with Christmas trees


Vegetables, Fruit, Baked Goods

Farm products description:

Heirloom, plum & regular tomatoes, sweet corn picked daily, 40 plus vegetables, local fruit

Where to find our Products:

On premise:

Monday - friday (am to 5pm, Saturday 10am to 5pm, Sunday 10am to 4pm

Farm Stand, Grocery or Retail:

Farm stand: Mon-Fri: 9am-6pm, Sat-Sun: 9am-5pm

Production Methods:

Farmers Pledge, Integrated Pest Management



Social Media:


  • 405 Goodwill Road
    Montgomery, NY 12540
    United States

