Why should you list with Hudson Valley Bounty?
Hudson Valley Bounty is the region’s go-to resource for local food and farm offerings
- High-traffic website
- Website users are a mix of chefs, consumers, farmers, and wholesale buyers throughout the tri-state area looking for information on local food products and/or dining opportunities.
- Listing with Hudson Valley Bounty grants your business access to a wide range of potential customers.
Hudson Valley Bounty offers opportunities to be featured on social media, email newsletters, and on our blog
- Significant following on Hudson Valley Bounty’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
- We share stories and pictures of local producers to help drive traffic to their businesses.
- Listing with Hudson Valley Bounty grants your business access to our large network of dynamic followers (foodies, retailers, businesses, wholesalers, etc)
Hudson Valley Bounty filters and curates opportunities for local producers
- Listing with Hudson Valley Bounty provides access to our curated newsletters with specific information on grant and financing opportunities, training workshops, events, and opportunities to promote your business or sell your product.
Our directory is FREE, convenient, and easy to use
- Creating your user account takes a few minutes and adding your business' profile could be done in 15-30 minutes.
- Your business should be located within our footprint of Albany, Columbia, Dutchess, Orange, Rensselaer, Sullivan, Ulster, and Washington Counties. If your county is not listed, please contact us for more information. You may still be listed if your business is in a neighboring Hudson Valley county.
- Your business must be dependent on or related to local farms and/or food (i.e. a jam company sourcing fruit from local farms).
Create your user account
Start by creating your
After creating your account you will be directed to the screen to create your Business' Profile. You have two options on how you can add your business(es).
To Edit your account and update your Business Profile or to add/create additional profiles Log in
Your business offers various services
For example, your business is a farm, event venue, or restaurant. If your farm and restaurant share a name, logo, location, and contact information, add a business profile and select all the applicable business types.

You have various businesses
However, if you have various businesses and would like to display their images, descriptions, icon on the map, etc., you should add a profile for each business selecting only one business type.

You can save your profile as "Draft" if it is incomplete and you want to finish editing before submitting it. Shift to save as "Ready to Review" when you have completed your profile and are ready for Hudson Valley Bounty staff to review and publish it.