Black Sheep Hill Farm
We also pasture raise heritage breed pigs on the farm, and have several acres in garden vegetables (fingerling potatoes heirloom tomatoes, beans, but no corn), and about 100 laying hens for eggs. We principally supply our products to local restaurants and clubs, but we also have a farm stand on the property from June through September. We welcome visitors and inquiries.

Vegetables, Eggs, Meat
Farm products description:
Wool Heritage pigs Heritage sheep Eggs Fingerling potatoes Heirloom tomatoes Green & purple beans Squash Lettuce Radishes Asparagus Kale
Where to find our Products:
On premise:
Mon - Sun 9am - 4pm
Farm Stand, Grocery or Retail:
Cash and carry services are available
Food safety standards or certifications required from local farms:
We supply much of our products to restaurants and clubs locally. Our meats are also available regionally through and F2TBox.
Service area:
We supply much of our products to restaurants and clubs locally. Our meats are also available regionally through and F2TBox.
Cold storage available
Partnerships with local farms:
From our farm
Business Structure:
Family Owned
Social Media:
1891 County Route 83
Pine Plains, NY 12567
United States