Fix Bros Fruit Farm

Fix Bros Fruit Farm

Fix Brothers Fruit Farm is 130 miles north of New York City, NY and 45 miles south of Albany, NY. Plan on coming to the Hudson Valley for a vacation and while you are here, stop by the farm during the summer months to pick your own sweet cherries, sour cherries and peaches.

  • Farm



Farm products description:

We have many PYO Cherry varieties, peaches, apples & pumpkins. We are open seasonal during each fruit season. We are primarily commercial apples.

Where to find our Products:

On premise:

Farm Stand: Available during PYO seasons. Our farm is located on White Birch Road and different orchards are between there and Wood Chuck Road. There will be signs directing to the different orchards.

Pick your own produce:

Cherry varieties, peaches, apples & pumpkins.

Special Events & Experiences:

Open to the Public, Pick-Your-Own

Business Structure:

Family Owned

Production Methods:

GAP/GHP Certified

Farm visiting hours:

  • Seasonal




Robert Fix

[email protected]

Social Media:


  • 215 White Birch Road
    Hudson, NY 12534
    United States

