Letterbox Farm
We raise specialty vegetables, herbs, pork, poultry, eggs, and rabbit for restaurants, farmers markets and a full-plate CSA. We use sustainable growing practices including using local, non-GMO, no-spray feed for our livestock, and only organic inputs for our vegetables. We specialize in heirloom varieties and heritage breeds. All our livestock are raised on pasture and moved daily.

Vegetables, Eggs, Meat, Flowers, Herbs and Medicinals
Farm products description:
see full list on website: http://www.letterboxfarm.com/farm-stand
Where to find our Products:
On premise:
7 days a week 7am - 7pm
Farmers Market:
Bronxville Farmers Market, Rhinebeck Farmers Market
CSA Information:
Since Letterbox is a diversified farm, we offer a diversified CSA share! Each week, you’ll receive a preselected share of organic vegetables (a collaboration between Letterbox and Northpoint Community Farm) and eggs as well as your choice of pasture-raised meats, mushrooms, fish and more using the flex credit allotted to each member at the beginning of the season.
Special Events & Experiences:
Open to the Public, Workshops and Classes, Farm Stays, Events please check our website for details
Production Methods:
Organically Grown, Farmers Pledge, Pasture-Raised
Farm visiting hours:
- 7 days a week 7am - 7pm
Social Media:
4161 US 9
Hudson, NY 12534
United States