Solid Ground Farm
Building the health of our soil is a fundamental priority for us, and so we work towards minimal tillage systems. We use lower impact implements in our field prep and weeding, in an attempt to do less damage than standard practices do to the physical structure and microbiotic communities in the soil. We apply compost and straw mulch and plant cover crops to add nutrients and organic matter. We’re thinking all the time about ways to improve the quality of our soil.
As of 2019 we are now certified organic by NOFA-NY. We’ve always used organic practices, and have made it official. We don’t use any synthetic fertilizers. We use no herbicides. Only when it’s totally necessary do we use any benign organic-certified pest control sprays to protect the veggies from the occasional attack by hungry insects.
We believe in providing our livestock animals the best quality of life we can, giving them ample space, clean conditions in low-stress environments, and the ability to express their natural behaviors. Our broiler chickens are raised on pasture. In the future, we hope to add pastured pigs and 100% grass-fed beef cattle to our farm.
We hope to farm for the rest of our lives, and one of the joys of farming is that it’s a lifelong project. We’re excited to see how our practices evolve and improve, and what our impact is on this land.

Vegetables, Meat
Farm products description:
We grow a huge diversity of vegetables for our CSA members, ranging from delicious greens like kale, lettuce mix, and tatsoi to summer favorites like sweet corn, heirloom tomatoes, and more
Where to find our Products:
Farmers Market:
Kingston Uptown Farmers Market/Summer market @ the Courthouse parking lot: Saturdays, 9AM – 2PM, May – Dec. Winter market @ Senate Garage: Saturdays, 10AM – 2PM, every other week: 1/8, 1/22, 2/5, 2/19, 3/5
Farm Stand, Grocery or Retail:
Health and Nutrition, New Paltz and High Falls Food Coop, High Falls
We love to work with chefs and produce buyers! If you are interested in our wholesale offerings, please email us at [email protected] to be added to our weekly wholesale availability list.
The Mountain Brauhaus, Gardiner, A TavolaTrattoria New Paltz, Rail Trail Cafe, New Paltz
CSA Information:
With a free-choice CSA, the food you eat will reflect what is in season at that moment. Every week you get to pick what’s in your share from the harvest week to week, selecting from a variety of veggies. Depending on the size of the share you commit to for the season, you will choose 7 or 9 units of those items each week. A unit may be four pounds of tomatoes, a big bunch of kale, a bag of salad mix, a pumpkin, etc.
We like the free choice model because the biggest concern we’ve heard over the years from CSA members is that there’s always certain items that go uneaten – after all, everyone’s taste is different. When you get to make your own decision about what you take home, you’re going to select what you know you’ll eat, and you get to enjoy healthy, delicious food that’s fresher than anything you can find in the grocery store.
Identify farm source on invoice
Food safety standards or certifications required from local farms:
All produce is grown on our farm
Service area:
We deliver to the greater Hudson Valley with no order minimum, although a delivery fee may apply.
Partnerships with local farms:
Everything is grown on our farm
Production Methods:
Organically Grown, Grass-Fed, Pasture-Raised
Social Media:
205 Hidden Valley Road
Kingston, NY 12401
United States