Two Rock Ranch
Our premium lamb is available year-round and is offered as flash frozen cuts from the farm or at The Delmar Farmer's Market in Albany. To enjoy our delicious lamb without the hassle of shopping, we are now offering a CSA that includes an assortment of our farmer's favorite cuts. We love our lamb and know your family will as well!

Farm products description:
Meat: lamb & chicken
Where to find our Products:
On premise:
Weekly: Appointment via phone or email
Farmers Market:
Sundays: Schenectady Farmer's Market, Delmar Farm market
Farm Stand, Grocery or Retail:
The Carrot Barn in Schoharie, NY
Gade Farm in Guilderland, NY
Arthur's in the Schnectady Stockade
Engel's Acres in Troy, NY
CSA Information:
You can pickup on the Saturday of every month from the Delmar Farmer's Market or the Schenectady Greenmarket on Sundays in the Spring,Summer, and Fall! Due to gas prices we charge $10/delivery!
Business Structure:
Family Owned
Production Methods:
Farm visiting hours:
- Weekly: Appointment via phone or email
Social Media:
78 Turner Road
Berne, NY 12023
United States